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ADAMS, John (1735-1826) Memorie aan hunne hoog-mogenden, de Staaten-Generaal der Vereenigden Nederlanden. [Followed by the French translation:] Memoire a leurs hauttes-puissances les Seigneurs Etats-Généraux des Provinces-Unies des Pays-Bas [drop-head title] [Signed at end: John Adams.] [No place, no printer 1781.] 16,15p. Uncut in contemp. (?) marbled wrappers. (#16670) € 1250
Early Italian banking Banco di Santo Ambrosio. Delle leggi, contratti, et governo del Banco Santo Ambrosio della citta di Milano, stabiliti nella congregatione de' Signori Gouernatori di detto Banco. Il giorno di Lunedi, li due del mese d'Aprile M.D.CI. Accetati, & confermati dal Conseglio Generale de' Signori Sessanta di detta città. Giovedi 12. Luglio di detto anno. In Milano, per Pandolfo Malatesta [1601]. 4to. 36,[11 patent by Juan de Velasco]p. Title with woodcut device of the bank, and several woodcut initials and ornaments in the text. Contemp. carta rustica. Printed on fine paper. (#31168) € 3000
A landmark in the history of of social liberation, praised
by Marx
Second edition, with some substantial alterations, first published the previous year. A famous publication in the history of social liberation. It was a source of inspiration for Robert Owen, who published a new edition of it in 1818, and was highly praised by Karl Marx. Perhaps inspired by Plockhoy's A way propounded to make the poor in these and other nations happy (1659) Bellers here designs a complete plan for the organization of industry and labour. He proposes the founding of ‘colleges of industry', agricultural and manufacturing co-operative settlements to enable the poor to care for themselves. Colonies of at least 300 people would have collective capital and labour, and not money but labour would be the standard of value, thus giving a draught for a labour theory of value. Family life would be private - he therefore uses the term colleges rather than communities - and much attention would be paid to education. It would be beneficial to the poor, enabling them to care for themselves, as well as to the rich and the state, no longer forced to support the poor. Marx refers to Bellers in Das Kapital several times. He calls Bellers ‘a very phenomenon in the history of Political Economy, [who] saw most clearly at the end of the 17th century, the necessity for abolishing the present system of education and division of labour, which beget hypertrophy and atrophy at the two opposite extremities of society'. *Wing B1830. Kress 1932. Goldsmiths' 3369. McCulloch p.275. BENTHAM, Jeremy (1748-1822) Chrestomathia: being a collection of papers, explanatory of the design of an institution, proposed to be set on foot, under the name of The Chrestomathic Day School, or chrestomathic school, for the extension of the new system of instruction to the higher branches of learning, for the use of the middling and higher ranks of life. [Bound with:] Chrestomathia. Part II. Containing appendix, No. V. Being an essay on nomenclature and classification. London, printed for Messrs. Payne and Foss and R.Hunter. By J.M'Creery 1816-16. 2 parts in 1 volume. [II],XXI,[3],IX-X,68,24,69-98; IV,99-347p. With 2 folding tables in part 1. Nineteenth- or early twentieth-century half cloth, back lettered gilt, marbled sides. Bookplate of Sidney Broad to front paste-down. (#30826) € 900
BENTHAM, Jeremy (1748-1822) Draught of a new plan for the organisation of the judicial establishment in France: proposed as a succedaneum to the draught presented, for the same purpose, by the Committee of Constitution, to the National Assembly, December 21st, 1789. No place, no publisher March 1790. [II],26p. Fine modern boards, back with gilt-lettered red label. Upper margin closely trimmed, touching the pagination in places. (#39116) € 750
First published edition. This was originally printed in 1813 for private circulation only. It was written to expose the mischief arising from the laws relating to the administration of oaths. Bentham declares that the promissory oath ‘could prevent a man from doing what he knew to be right, and could afford him a ready excuse for the commission of some wrong'. Among the mischiefs produced by the swearing of oaths treated by Bentham are ‘contributing to the mendacity-licence granted by judges, weakening in various ways the efficiency of the laws, bewildering and enslaving the consciences of jurymen, giving aid and force to the enterprises of malefactors, furnishing pretence for misrule by abuse of prerogative, corrupting the national morals and understanding'. *Chuo S6.2. Goldsmiths' 21988. Best edition of the ‘first modern attempt to create a
complete system of political science '
First Latin edition, first issue. This Latin edition was translated by Bodin himself. For the translation he made numerous improvements and additions and it is therefore considered the standard edition. The first edition appeared in French in 1576 and was many times reprinted until the beginning of the seventeenth century, and translated into German, English, Italian and Spanish. ‘The Six books of the republic had an immense influence all over Europe. It is, in effect, the first modern attempt to create a complete system of political science. Its basis was the Politics of Aristotle, and it was through Bodin that Aristotle's work came to exercise the influence on modern political thinking which has made him the father of modern democracy. Bodin was not content merely to reproduce his master, however; he added considerably from his own experience. Although like most sixteenth-century writers he approved of absolute government, he demanded its control by constitutional laws, in which respect he foreshadowed the development during the seventeenth century of the idea of the social contract. Thus Bodin was the first to set out clearly the argument round which most political discussion centred in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, that law is merely an expression of the sovereign will, but that where this reposes in an absolute monarch, it must be mitigated by a customary or natural law. When the lawgiver's law becomes unjust, it ceases to be valid and must be resisted.' First provenance: Thomas Foley, with his armorial bookplate to verso of title ‘Thomas Foley of Great Witley Court in the County of Worcester Esqr.', and identical but smaller bookplate with only ‘Foley' to front paste-down. Probably the ironmaster and Member of Parliament Thomas Foley (1616-1677). Second provenance: Inscribed on front free endpaper: ‘Herman Heller/ with warm regards/ Harold J.Laski'. Herman Heller (1891-1933), German legal scholar who went into exile in 1933. Harold Joseph Laski (1893-1950), English political theorist and economist. Below the inscription two illegible lines. *R.Crahay, M.T.Isaac & M.T.Lenger, Bibliographie critique des éditions anciennes de Jean Bodin L1a. Printing and the mind of man 94. En français dans le texte 68. [BOESNIER DE L'ORME, Paul (1724-1793)] Du rétablissement de l'impot dans son ordre naturel. Yverdon 1769. 23,[1],148,[3]p. Contemp. calf, back richly gilt with red label, marbled edges and endpapers. Nice early 20th-century bookplate to front paste-down and name of the same owner very small in corner of first blank. (#30933) € 2250
A manual for moneychangers, following the official ordinance of March 1633. It depicts both sides of 1685 coins in their actual size, with descriptive text and their exchange rate. Included are the gold and silver coins in circulation in all European countries. It was also used to detect counterfeit money and a few counterfeit coins are also reproduced. The text of the ordinance is reproduced on the first seven pages. Also published in French by the same publisher the same year. DEROUNIAN, Vartan (1888-1954) Alep et ses environs. Alep-Syrie [Aleppo], Derounian [c.1931]. Oblong (18x25 cm). [VIIIp. text], 48 plates, [4p. advert.] Orig. decorated wrappers, upper wrapper very little thumbed. (#17600) € 750
An early Spanish defence of free trade
First edition. This book, the only book of the author of economic interest, is important for its early defence of free trade. The author has been credited, with Alberto Struzzi, with having been ‘the sole and unheeded champions of the liberty of foreign trade', whereas until the end of the eighteenth century all leading Spanish writers were mercantilist. ‘A rare book, highly innovative and of great importance, which explains with exquisite clearness the true character of commerce, the nature of exchange, the use and utility of money, the inefficiency of the prohibitive system and the means of encouraging the national industry ... It is one of the most original works of its class, bold and precise in its economic doctrine. The author is greatly in advance of his time, and deliberately puts aside the prevailing prejudices, not only in Spain, but throughout Europe' (Colmeiro p.71). Dormer studied philosohy and law in Huesca and became one of the major Spanish historians of the seventeenth century, royal chronicler of the kingdom of Aragon in 1674. *Goldsmiths'-Kress 02548. Colmeiro 175 [DUPONT DE NEMOURS, Pierre Samuel (1739-1817)] Discours prononcé à l'Assemblée nationale, sur l'état & les ressources des finances. Imprimé par ordre de l'Assemblée. A Versailles, chez Baudouin 1789. IV,5-218p. With 6 folding tables. Uncut and unopened in modern half vellum, marbled sides. One line on page 111 made illegible, as is the case in other copies. Partly evenly browned. (#20027) € 500
A commentary on Malthus, 'one of his best
First (only) edition, rare. The last book of Dupont de Nemours published in the year of his death in America. It is the only criticism of Malthus' population theory from a physiocratic point of view, since all other important adherents of Quesnay had died when Malthus published his book. 'Dupont declared that Malthus was too pessimistic; that the poor would not pactice moral restraint; that population pressure spurred men to increase production. America need not fear population growth for 600-1.000 years at least.' Dupont's criticism of Malthus is followed by a French translation of four chapters of Malthus' great work dealing with physiocracy that were omitted in Pierre Prevost's translation of 1809 (p.39-115), and by a letter from Dupont to Jean Baptiste Say (p.116-59). *Goldsmiths'-Kress 21762.1. Einaudi 1666. Not in Mattioli. INED 1603. Spengler p.199.
First edition. An examination of the effects of the increase and decrease of the value of money on public revenue, prices and foreign exchange and in consequence on commerce. The author had been a cashier of the Banque Royale that merged with John Law's Compagnie des Indes in 1720. Until recently his first name was known as Charles and no further biographical details were known. It is clear that Dutot supported the system of John Law, and his book includes a refutation of Melon's Essai politique sur le commerce of 1734, yet it is according to A.Thiers 'undoubtly the most profound book on Law's system and the causes of its fall'. New editions appeared in 1743 and 1754 and it also was included in Guillaumin's collection Economistes financiers du XVIIIe siècle. *Kress 4381. INED 1695. EHB 1295. This edition not in Einaudi. Stourm p.93. Palgrave I,p.660.
First edition, rare. The importation and manufacture of printed or painted cloth was forbidden in France in 1686, at the instance of the wool and silk industry. Forbonnais here investigates the arguments for and against the prohibition. He favours a liberal policy, but a ‘libéralisme dirigé'. Pages 72-90 are taken by ‘Observations sur l'Examen', attributed to Vincent de Gournay. *INED 4426. Goldsmiths' 9026. Mattioli 1303. Not in Kress or Einaudi. Bound with: [François Véron de FORBONNAIS] Essai sur l'admission des navires neutres dans nos colonies [caption-title]. [No place, no publisher 1756 or 1759.] 107p. First edition. Forbonnais here argues for a conditional admission of merchant ships of neutral countries to France's colonial ports in the interests of commerce. It is the first part of Divers mémoires sur le commerce published the same year. *INED 4424 (1759). Goldsmiths' 9481 (1759). Kress 5516 (‘Divers mémoires', 1756). Not in Einaudi or Mattioli. BnF (FRBNF31564872) dates this 1756. And with: Jerome BELLONI (1688-1760) Dissertation sur le commerce. Traduite de l'italien par Mr. A*** [François Morénas]. A La Haye, aux depens de la Compagnie 1755. 72p. Second French edition. Originally published in 1750 as De commercio ... Dissertatio. *Kress 5419. Goldsmiths' 9014. [GOEGG-POUCHOULIN,Marie (1826-1899)] La Solidarité. Association pour la défense des droits de la femme. Compte-rendu de l'Assemblée générale tenue à Genève le 11 septembre 1876. Genève, Imprimerie Coopérative 1876. 31p. Orig. printed green wrappers. (#17036) € 250
First appearance of the description of the author's famous mechanical calculating machine, ‘the first fully functional popular four-species mechanical calculating machine' The description was already announced by the editor of the Teutsche Merkur, Christoph Martin Wieland, on page 194 of the first part of this volume. At length: history-computer.com/MechanicalCalculators/18thCentury/Hahn. HARL, Johann Paul (1772-1842) Encyklopädie der gesammten Geld'swissenschaft. Erster Theil welcher die Geschichte des Geldes und eine allgemeine staatswirthschaftliche Theorie desselben enthält. Erlangen, bei Johann Jakob Palm 1806. VIII,503,[4p. Contemp. boards, back rubbed and with library label, title label partly preserved, red sprinkled edges. Small armorial stamp on title. (#34526) € 750 First edition, the only volume published. Harl studied theology but changed his interests and in 1805 was
First edition, first impression. 'The essays collected in this volume are a selection from the various attemps made in the course of the past ten years to improve and develop the outline of a theory of industrial fluctuations contained in two small books on Monetary theory and the trade cycle and Prices and production (author's preface). *Gray B-4.
First edition of the author's second book. It is the result of his three-year tour to study the social and economic conditions on the continent in the aftermath of the Napoleonic wars. His observations are accompanied with anecdotes demanded by his publisher to make the work amusing, and with considerations on good government and administration. Hodgskin's concern with social and economic justice forecasts his later involvement in trade unionism and socialism. Hodgskin is best remembered for his defence of the right of labourers to 'combine' and for his denouncement of the appropriation of the most part of value produced by the labour of industrial workers as illegitimate (Labour defended against the claims of capital, 1825). It influenced generations of trade unionists and socialists, including Karl Marx. *Kress C.551. Goldsmiths' 22760. JUGLAR, Clement (1819-1905) Des crises commerciales et de leur retour périodique en France, en Angleterre et aux Etats-Unis. Deuxième édition. Paris, Guillaumin 1889. XX,560p. With 17 mostly double-page tables and 7 large folding tables at end. Finely bound in recent half morocco, marbled sides and endpapers, t.e.g., orig. printed wrappers (stained and with some repairs) preserved. (#24403) € 1500
KNIGHT, Frank Hyneman (1885-1972) Risk, uncertainty and profit. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin 1921. XIV,381,[1]p. Orig. burgundy cloth, back lettered gilt, spine ends lightly rubbed, hinges a little weak. (Hart, Schaffner & Marx Prize Essays XXXI) Presentation inscription on front free endpaper (see below). (#35990) € 5000
The origins of the indigenous inhabitants of America ...
Grotius refuted LAET, Joannes de (1581-1649) Notae ad dissertationem Hugonis Grotii De origine gentium Americanum: et observationes aliquot ad meliorem indaginem difficillimae illius quaestionis. [Bound with:] Responsio ad dissertationem secundam Hugonis Grotii, De origine gentium Americanarum. Cum indice ad utrumque libellum. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium 1643-44. 2 volumes in 1. Small 8vo. 223, [IV],116,[8]p. Contemp. overlapping vellum, back with ms. title. Unobtrusive old repair to title and last leaf. (#33420) € 2150
A precursor of John Law
A notoriously rare proposal for financial and governmental reforms similar to the scheme of John Law. The extreme rarity of this book has been explained by Law's eagerness to destroy as many copies as he could find to hide the fact that much of his own ideas were contained in this book. ‘[La Jonchère] advocates one sole tax, to be paid without privilege or exemption, by all Frenchmen without distinction, to consist of a percentage collected in money or in kind, on the general produce of the ground, mines, quarries, etc., by a ‘Compagnie du Commerce', to be formed for the purpose. This company was to have the monopoly of foreign trade, its shares being given as reimbursement of the price of all the offices sold by the king's predecessors and of the capital of the rents due to towns or individuals. The corn collected by the company was also to be entrusted with the recoinage and ‘diminuations' of the metallic currency, which were to bring it down to what La Jonchère calls ‘its intrinsic value'.' The mention of ‘Seconde edition' is probably fictious. WorldCat does not locate any copy printed before 1720. The 1970 EDHIS reprint also from this ‘second' edition. The name and place of the publisher are probably fictious as well. *INED 2517. Not in Kress, Goldsmiths', Einaudi or Mattioli. Palgrave I,p.537.
First edition. Lauderdale's reply to the highly critical review of his Inquiry, which had appeared earlier that year, by Henry Brougham in the Edinburgh Review. New Palgrave calls it ‘an acerbic but not too effective pamphlet'. *Kress B.4817. Goldsmiths' 18802. Einaudi 3632. the Tolpuddle Martyrs
A milestone in the history of British trade unionism. George Loveless and his comrades ‘had struck a blow from which the opposition to trades unionism never recovered and the ‘Tolpuddle Martyrs' are saints in the trade union hagiology'. In the early 1830's a group of six agricultural labourers from Tolpuddle near Dorchester led by George Loveless formed a Friendly Society of Agricultural Labourers to fight for higher wages. Although trade unions were not forbidden since the Combinations of Workmen Act of 1825 they were accused of swearing secret oaths, thus violating an obscure and obsolete Unlawful Oaths Act of 1797. They were found guilty and sentenced to transportation for seven years to Australia. Growing popular protest - almost a million people signed a petition and 50.000 people marched in London for their release - resulted in their full pardon in March 1836. The present publication is largely devoted to an account of Loveless' transportation (due to illness he left later than his comrades) to Australia, with details on the hard conditions aboard transports and the dangers of the voyage. He arrived in Hobart on Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) on 4 September 1833. He first worked in irons on the roads and later as a shepherd and stock-keeper with some privileges. After the pardon he returned to England in June 1837. He became an active Chartist and in 1844 emigrated to Canada. This went through at least eight editions in 1837 and 1838. All editions seem rare. *Kress has the present second edition only C.4422. Goldsmiths' 30126. Printing and the mind of man 305. MANGOLDT, Hans von (1824-1868) Grundriss der Volkswirthschaftslehre. Ein Leitfaden für Vorlesungen an Hochschulen und für das Privatstudium. Stuttgart, J.Engelhorn 1863. XVI,224p. Contemp. half cloth, corners worn. Small name stamp (‘E.Baumstark') on title, library bookplate to front paste-down. Two pages with mild brown offsetting from an inserted leaflet. (#24097) € 1500
MARQUARD [or MARQUART], Johann (1610-1668) Tractatus politico-juridicus de iure mercatorum et commerciorum singulari ... Francofurti, ex officina Thomae Matthiae Götzii [Frankfurt, Thomas Matthias Götz] 1662. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. [XII],572, [4],156,158-213,215-278,277-744,[138]p., thus complete. With an engraved frontispiece. Contemp. vellum, little wrinkled, neat repair to top of back. Worming in outer margin mostly in second half not affecting text. Some mild browning, small stamp on frontispiece and in the margin of a few other pages. Bound with another work of minor importance. (#33979) € 2750
Fifth British edition, reprinting the text of the first English edition published by Sonnenschein in two volumes in 1887. It is also the last nineteenth century edition. Curiously on the verso of the title the first English edition is dated 1886. *Erstdrucke p.33. Rubel 633. MARX, Karl (1818-1883) Miseria de la filosofía. Contestación a la filosofia de la miseria de Proudhon. Versión Espanola, precedida de una carta de Frederico Engels y unos apuntes sobre las teorias, caracter y obras del autor por J.Mesa. Madrid, Establecimiento tipográfico de Ricardo Fé 1891. Small 8vo. LIX,[1],174,[1]p. Contemp. cloth, gilt-lettered back, blue decorated endpapers. Name on title, small circular stamp on title and a few other pages, yellowed. (#26772) € 450
MARX, Karl (1818-1883) & Friedrich ENGELS (1820-1895) Manifesto of the Communist Party. Translated from the original for the Socialist Labour Party by Lily G.Aitken and Frank C.Budgen. Glasgow, printed and published by the Socialist Labour Party, 50 Renfrew Street [c.1916]. III,29p. Orig. printed wrappers, back a bit crudely repaired. (#41173) € 750
First (only) edition. Schulz was a Lutheran preacher and the author of a number of anonymously published works. In his earlier Philosophische Betrachtung über Theologie und Religion he had attacked Mendelssohn's Jewish orthodoxy and praised enlightened writers like Hobbes and Spinoza. In 1785 Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi published his Ueber die Lehre des Spinoza in Briefen an den Herrn Moses Mendelssohn, in which he unveiled that Mendelssohn's friend Lessing had confessed to him that 'there is no other philosophy than the philosophy of Spinoza'. This was the beginning of the Pantheismusstreit, the great intellectual debate on the relation between Spinozism, pantheism, rationalism and atheism, joined by many writers and philosophers. Mendelssohn was deeply hurt seeing his friend Lessing portrayed as a Spinozist, i.e. atheist, and - though already sick for years - wrote his An die Freunde Lessings. He died a few days after finishing his book, according to some hastened by Jacobi's harsh distortion of the image of his friend. In the present volume Schulz gives a new explanation for Mendelssohn's distress. ‘Mendelssohn , says Schulz, had provoked the ire of the enlightened, even atheistic Jews of Berlin,when, in 1781, he upheld orthodox Judaism in his Jerusalem. Schulz's Philosophische Betrachtung, which demolished Mendelssohn's theory of Judaism and gave support to the enlightened Jews, had driven him into a corner and his position would have become completely untenable had it become an accepted fact that his friend Lessing was an atheistic Spinozist. Desperate, Mendelssohn tried all the tricks in his bag to denounce Jacobi as a liar and his friends, knowingly or naively, lent him their support.' Abusive that this appeared shortly after Mendelssohn died 4 January the same year. *Bamberger, Spinoza & anti-Spinoza literature 575. Spinoza-Bibliographie 1764 & 12698.
First edition. Mill's magnum opus, the last great synthesis of classical political economy. Though it has been stated that it has not added much new to economic analysis it yet remained the major text book on economics for decades and has exercised profound influence on modern English and foreign economic theory. *Kress C.7500. Einaudi 3907. MacMinn p.69.
A fine edition, published one year after the original edition. NAIGEON, Jacques André (1738-1810) Recueil philosophique ou mélange de pieces sur la religion & la morale. Par différents auteurs. Londres [Amsterdam, Marc Michel Rey] 1770. 2 volumes in 1. Small 8vo. [IV],190, [IV],253,[1]p. Contemp. calf, back richly gilt, red edges, marbled endpapers. An old lithographed library ticket to front paste-down. (#38066) € 1500
First edition. The birth of tragedy from the spirit of music was Nietzsche's first book, written at the age of 28. It was printed in an edition of 800 copies. It has a preface dedicated to Richard Wagner, with whom Nietzsche had an intimate friendship at the time. ‘In this book Nietzsche adopted a tragico-pessimistic conception of Greek civilization, like Burckhardt but contrary to Grote. This started his career as a critic of modern civilization based on disgust with imperial Germany, Christianity, bourgeois ethics, and so on' (PMM). *Schaberg 20.
First edition. An important treatise on the commerce, trade and population of the French, English and Spanish colonies in America, Africa, Asia ans Australia. The author proposes a reorganization of the colonies and to develop its agricultural colonies in Africa, which would reduce the slave trade. Trafficking cannot compensate for the decrease in population in the Antilles, where black mortality is very high. It would be more logical to use blacks in their own country, therefore to establish colonies in Africa, than to transplant them at such great cost. The second volume is entirely devoted to Saint Domingo, where the author was appointed commissioner of the colony in 1791. It is lacking in many sets. *INED 3442. Kress B.4429 (first volume only). Sabin 58158 (first volume only). Martin & Walter 26281. PERDIGUIER, Agricol (1805-1875) Mémoires d'un compagnon. (Edition autorisée par l'auteur.) Se trouve: A Genève, rue de Rive [Chambéry, Impr. Bachet 1854 & Genève, Imp. Duchamp et Cie 1855]. 2 volumes in 1. 16mo. 287,369p. Contemp. half red morocco, gilt back, marbled sides, red sprinkled edges. A very fine copy. Inscribed by the author: ‘Hommage de l'auteur/ a son ami Blanloeil [?]/ Agricol Perdiguier'. (#40198) € 3500
'The first scientific examination of private property‘ (Karl
Marx) PROUDHON, Pierre Joseph (1809-1865) Qu'est-ce que la propriété? ou recherches sur le principe du droit et du gouvernement. Premier mémoire. Paris, chez J.F.Brocard 1840. 12mo. [II advert.],XII,244p. Modern half red morocco, gilt back, marbled sides (Ateliers Laurenchet), upper wrapper preserved (underlaid and with the label of ‘Prevot, libraire' over the original impressum). Some foxing and browning mostly limited to first leaves and margins. Old name on half-title and old stamp to verso. The publisher's advertisement leaf before the half-title (‘Avis particulier a Messieurs les médecins des villes et des campagnes'), seemingly failing in most copies, underlaid and with a few words illegible. (#19850) € 8500
A new Wealth of nations
First edition. A highlight of classical economic theory, for a long time overlooked by economists. John Rae studied at the University of Aberdeen and emigrated to Canada after his father's bankruptcy. He lived a life full of misfortunes and distractions, in various countries working as a physician, school teacher, farmer, judge, notary public, etc. He occupied himself with the study of a great variety of subjects, like mathematics, biology, geology, medicine, history, etc. He however failed in about all his undertakings, with the exception of the present achievement in the field of economics which, in the words of Schumpeter, ‘surpassed in vision and originality the economists who were successful'. It was quoted frequently by Mill in his Principles, yet remained largely unread, but after the appearance of a new edition in 1905 (with the new title The sociological theory of capital) it was hailed by great economists like Böhm-Bawerk, Wicksell and Irving Fisher. Rae's knowledge of economic science was based solely on his study of Smith's Wealth of nations. ‘But this he had mastered in all its ramifications, premisses, and implications as only a kindred spirit can, and after having developed his own ideas in constant reference to it, he proceeded to erect a structure similarly conceived. For it is this that we must see in his work: another Wealth of nations or, more correctly, something that with ten additional years of quiet work, graced by an adequate income, could have grown into another - and more profound - Wealth of nations.' *Kress C.3838. Goldsmiths` 28450. Einaudi 4618. Mattioli 2949. M.Blaug, Great economists before Keynes, p.197-198. J.Schumpeter, History of economic analysis, p.468-469. New Palgrave IV,p.39-40.
First edition. One of the earliest andmost important publications of the author, a pioneer of the theory of state socialism. Rodbertus, known as Rodbertus-Jagetzow from the name of his Pommeranian estate of Jagetzow, was a major figure in the development from utopian to scientific socialism. Rodbertus defended the Ricardian labor theory of value and was also influenced by Sismondi. ‘For Rodbertus, labour was the only true source of productive wealth. His fundamental proposition, taken from Ricardo, was that the working-classes would always receive only a subsistence wage: the "ron law" of wages. Hence, any growth of national income would inevitably increase the share of rent and profits, whereas the proportion going to wage-earners would fall. This in turn would produce recurrent economic crises as consumption would fail to match output due to lack of demand. Rodbertus may thus be considered as a continental forerunner of underconsumptionist theorists.' *Kress C.5941. Goldsmiths' 33076. Einaudi 4806. Humpert 8130. New Palgrave IV,p.218. SMITH, Adam (1723-1790) Untersuchung über die Natur und die Ursachen des Nationalreichthums. Aus dem Englischen der vierten Ausgabe neu übersetzt. Zweyte, mit Stewarts Nachricht von dem Leben und den Schriften des Autors vermehrte Auflage. Breslau und Leipzig, Wilhelm Gottlieb Korn 1799. 3 volumes. CLII,460; VIII,702; IV,474p. Contemp. decorated boards, backs with gilt-lettered red label, red edges. Armorial stamp on titles and small library sticker to front pastedowns. A very attractive set. Provenance: the library of the Baron von Hertefeld in Liebenberg. (#24148) € 1250
SMITH, Adam (1723-1790) Theorie der sittlichen Gefühle. Uebersetzt, vorgeredet, und hin und wieder kommentirt von Ludwig Theobul Kosegarten. [And:] Zweyter Band, welcher die Zusäzze zur sechsten Ausgabe enthält. Leipzig, in der Gräffschen Buchhandlung 1791-95. 2 volumes in 1. [XXXII],463,[1 advert.], VIII,248,[1 errata]p. Contemp. boards, red edges, rubbed, corners and edges worn, back with part of covering paper gone. From the library of the German classicist Friedrich August Menke, with his name on front free endpaper. (#31736) € 2250
Kipper un Wipper
Two of the major publications of the ‘Tipper and See-saw time' by this Lutheran theologian and pastor in Magdeburg. Due to the rising price of silver by the end of the 16th century silver coins of the German city-states became more worth than their nominal value. After the outbreak of the Thirty Years War currencies were debased to finance the high costs of the war and the coinage system of the Habsburg Empire fell into complete disorder. Coins were weighted to sort out the not-yet-debased pieces ('kippen und wippen') and melted and mixed with copper or other cheap metals and reissued. It worked in the beginning but soon resulted in worthless coins and the complete disarray of the monetary system. Prices raised enormously and caused dreadful distress among the population. Popular protest arose and a great number of pamphlets denouncing the practice appeared between 1620 and 1622. By 1623 the debased coins were withdrawn, but the losses were carried by the impoverished population. First volume: *Kress S.505. Goldsmiths'-Kress 00507.16. Humpert 10945, Second volume: *Not in Kress or Goldsmiths'-Kress. Humpert 10946. The ‘bible' of individualist anarchist
literature STIRNER, Max [Johann Kaspar Schmidt] (1806-1856) Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum. Leipzig, Verlag von Otto Wigand 1845 [i.e. 1844]. [II],491,[3]p. Contemp. embossed cloth. A very nice copy. (#20506) € 4500
ThüNEN, Johann Heinrich von (1783-1850) Der isolirte Staat in Beziehung auf Landwirthschaft und Nationalökonomie, oder Untersuchungen über dem Einfluss, den die Getreidepreise, der Reichthum des Bodens und die Abgaben auf den Ackerbau ausüben. Hamburg, bei Friedrich Perthes 1826. [III]-VIII,[1 errata, 1 blank],290,[4 publ. adv.]p., wanting half-title. With 2 folding plates coloured by hand, numbered I-IV. Contemp. calf, back with red label, light wear to extremities. Stamp on title, corners of endpapers browned. Kept in recent cloth clamshell box. (#20614) € 7500
Second edition, from the same year as the first edition. Flora Tristan's notes on female emancipation, posthumously edited by Alphonse Constant. It represents the ideas of Flora Tristan, but in a form which is not hers. *Not in Kress, Goldsmith', Einaudi or Mattioli. We could locate only a single copy of the first edition (BnF) and only a few copies of this second edition worldwide. Unterthänige Vorstellung der in Frankreich ansässigen Juden. Unterthänige Vorstellung der in Frankreich ansässigen Juden, veranlasst durch die Verlegung der Streitfrage über ihr bürgerliches Schicksal vom 24 December 1789, und der Nationalversammlung zugeschrieben den 28 Jänner 1790. Aus dem Französischen. Gedrukt zu Strasburg bey Joh. Heinr. Heitz, Univ. Buchdr. 1790. 74p. Contemp. blank wrappers, damaged at back. Some foxing and browning, heavier to first and last leaves. (#16751) € 600
A classic of international law that greatly influenced the
thinking of the framers of the American constitution VATTEL, Emer [Emmerich] de (1714-1767) Le droit des gens, ou principes de la loi naturelle, appliqués à la conduite & aux affaires des nations & des souverains. A Londres [but Neuchâtel] 1758. 2 volumes in 1. 4to. XXVI,[26 table of contents],541; [IV],[16 table of contents],375,[1 errata]p. Contemp. calf, back richly gilt with orange label, red edges, foot (ca.15 mm) of back with stabilized defect. A fresh copy. (#30363) € 2000
The honour of special refutation from
First edition. A major criticism of Malthus' population theory, answered by Malthus the next year in the appendix to the fifth edition of his Essay on population. Malthus thought much higher of it than of the other object of the appendix, the Inquiry of James Grahame which appeared the same year, 'a slight work without any very distinct object in view ... Mr. Weyland's work is of a much more elaborate desciption [and] has also a very definite object in view'. Weyland believed that an increase of population was recommendable and argued that a higher birthrate in the countryside was needed to compensate for the higher mortality rate in towns. He holds that 'population has a natural tendency to keep within the powers of the soil to afford it subsistence in every gradation through which society passes [and] this tendency can never be destroyed, and can only be altered or diverted from its natural course ... by grossly impolitic laws, or pernicious customs, either accelerating the progress of population considerably beyond its natural rate, or depressing the productive energies of the soil considerably below its natural powers' (p.21). Weyland was a landowner and magistrate from Oxfordshire and author of several books on the poor laws and related subjects. *Kress B.6837. Goldsmiths' 21429. Einaudi 6027. Bonar p.378-380. |
All our books are complete and in good or fine condition, unless otherwise mentioned. They are carefully described and appropriate bibliographical references have been added. Delivery according to the general terms of sale of the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of the Netherlands, depot no. 212/1982 Amsterdam. |
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