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'A more correct view of the theory of rent than ... Adam
First Irish edition. James Anderson was a Scottish gentleman farmer and author of several works on rural economy, the corn trade and similar subjects, but he is particularly credited for his (in the present work) anticipating the Ricardian theory of rent, the first clear formulation of the law of diminishing returns. These volumes 'show clearly that Anderson had a more correct view of the theory of rent than his greater contemporary and compatriot Adam Smith. Rent, he says, is a premium for the cultivation of the richer soils, reducing the profits of the cultivators to an equality with those of the cultivators of the poorer' (James Bonar in Palgrave). 'The association of rent with decreasing returns which was to be one of the most characteristic features of the Ricardian system, was established by Anderson' (Schumpeter). These volumes also contain one of the earliest criticisms of Adam Smith's Wealth of nations. In a Postscript to letter thirteenth (volume II, p.109-224) Anderson writes: 'I have seen the very ingenious treatise of Dr. Adam Smith on the nature and causes of the wealth of nations; and am sorry to find, that I have the misfortune to differ in opinion from an author of such extensive knowledge, and liberal sentiments, on a subject of so much real importance as that which is here treated of'. Schumpeter considered Anderson 'one of the most interesting English economists of the late eighteenth century ... he had to an unusual degree what so many economists lack, Vision'. The first edition was published in Edinburgh in 1777. *Kress B.170. Goldsmiths' 11772. Einaudi 117 (the first edition). Schumpeter p.263ff. Palgrave I,p.39-40 & III,p.287.
First edition. A very rare autobiographical novel by this German feminist author, known for her radical opinions on the rights of women, democracy and sexuality. She was a republican and atheist and advocate of free love, she smoked cigars and dressed as a male. She considered marriage a form of prostitution, since for most women it was impossible to marry for love as they were economically dependent on their husbands. Many of her views were shared by other feminists, but only few openly expressed their opinions. Not surprisingly her free-spirited behaviour and her political opinions caused much outrage and she was called a whore and watched by the police. The present novel reflects het own experiences as the daughter of an oppressive father, her marriage to a wealthy English industrialist in 1835 (forced by her father as she said) and her divorce in 1839. They married again and divorced a second time in 1844. She became befriended with the circle of the Young Hegelians, among whom was Max Stirner, but because of her openly expressed nonconformism she was forced to leave Berlin as ‘enemy of the state' in 1846. BöHM-BAWERK, Eugen von (1851-1914) Rechte und Verhältnisse vom Standpunkte der volkswirthschaftlichen Güterlehre. Kritische Studie. Innsbruck, Verlag der Wagner'schen Universitaets-Buchhandlung 1881. IV,153,[1]p. & errata-leaf. Contemp. calf-backed marbled boards, gilt back, spine ends damaged, label removed. Title with various stamps etc., else inside clean. (#23185) € 450
First edition thus. A collective edition of the author's memoirs on pauperism and the care for the poor and sick, partly hitherto unpublished. The author was one of the greatest philanthropists of the eighteenth century, admired by among others Rousseau and Voltaire. He is best known for his project of a ‘maison d'association', which has been recognized as an early example of a Friendly Society. It would guarantee each associated member all help needed in case of sickness or distress, not only for the poor and homeless, but also for those who are to rich for charity but can not afford home nursing. The present volumes include several memoirs related to this project, on which he also spent a part of his fortune. Among the other memoirs are plans for the reform of the Hotel-Dieu in Paris, a ‘political memoir on the children' (with proposals for the colonization of Louisiana!), a plan for the management of the hospitals and the banishment of mendicancy, suggestions for better water and the promotion of public health, etc. etc. Part of these pieces were published separately, but they are extremely difficult to find, and it seems nowadays almost impossible to get a complete collection. *INED 1209 (this edition) and 3570/5 (separately issued pieces). Not in Kress (two separately issued pieces 6747 and S.4093). Not in Einaudi (a separately issued piece 4434). Granier 361. Higgs 1500 note. Coquelin & Guillaumin I,p.328. Lichtenberger p.327-9. An early example of a Friendly Society
First edition of both parts, very rare. A famous plan for the founding of an institution for the relief of the disabled, sick and poor people, based upon the principle of mutual benefit. This plan has been recognized as an early example of a Friendly Society. 'C'est le plus ancien projet de Piarron de Chamousset, qui a en vue non pas seulement les indigents, mais les malades de toutes conditions, particulièrement ceux (les isolés - célibataires, militaires, marchands, etc.) qui ne sont ni assez riches pour se faire soigner chez eux, ni assez pauvres pour les maisons de charité. Cet établissement ouvert à tous serait également proportionné à tous (différentes catégories de chambres, dortoirs), et les traitements seraient dispensés équitablement sans tenir compte de la somme allouée' (INED). Chamousset was head of the Chambre des comptes, fysician and inventor - known as the initiator of the Petite Poste, a local postal service in Paris, He was also one of the greatest philanthropists of the eighteenth century, admired by among others Rousseau and Voltaire. He spent his fortune on projects for poor relief and medical care for the lower classes. *Einaudi 4434. INED 3573 (the first part only). Not in Kress, Goldsmiths' or Granier. [COURT, Johan de la (1622-1660)] Consideratien van staat, ofte polityke weeg-schaal, waar in met veele, reedenen, omstandigheden, exempelen en fabulen werd ooverwoogen; welke forme der regeeringe, in speculatie geboud op de practijk, onder de menschen de beste zy. Beschreven door V.H. In deese derde editie naawkeurig ooversien, merkelik vermeerdert, en in veelen klaarder gestelt. t'Amsterdam, voor Dirk Dirksz. 1662. Small 8vo. [XXVIII],670p. With an engraved frontispiece and 2 folding plates. Contemp. overlapping vellum. Bookplate to front paste-down partly removed. A very nice copy. (#34586) € 750
First edition, one of at least nine issues from the same year to which no priority has been assigned. The only Dutch economic 'bestseller', a renowned plea for commercial and industrial freedom. The work went through at least thirteen editions by 1746, including German, English and French translations. Contemporaries attributed it to John de Witt, which might not surprise considering the favourable attitude of the author towards much what was practice in the Dutch Republic during the seventeenth century. *Wildenberg 1042. Carpenter III,1. Kress 1092. Preceded by: [Pieter de la COURT] Historie der gravelike regering in Holland, beschreven door V.H... [Amsterdam 1662.] [XVI],264p. With fine engraved title-page. *Wildenberg 1052.
First edition thus. A much enlarged edition of a famous plea for commercial and industrial freedom originally published (and several times reissued) in 1662 as a small volume with the title Interest van Holland. The True interest and political maxims of the Republick of Holland (the title of the English edition) expresses much of the ideological background of the Dutch Republic in the seventeenth century. The book was translated into German, French (as Mémoires de Jean de Witt!) and English (... by John de Witt!), apparently not without success because these translations too went through several editions, even in the eighteenth century. *Wildenberg 1111. Knuttel, Verboden boeken 4. Carpenter, The economic bestsellers before 1850 6. Goldsmiths'-Kress 01895.1. Bound with: Pieter de HUYBERT (1622-1697) Apologie tegens de algemeene, en onbepaelde vryheyd, voor de oude Hollandsche regeeringe ... Middelburg, Karel de Vrye 1669. 127p. ENGELS, Friedrich (1820-1895) Herrn Eugen Dühring's Umwälzung der Wissenschaft. Philosophie. Politische Oekonomie. Sozialismus. Leipzig, Druck und Verlag der Genossenschafts-Buchdruckerei [1877]-78. VIII,274p. Title-page and last leaf loose, title-leaf frayed, binding badly damaged. (#23296) € 4500
First (only) edition. A day-by-day account of the revolution of February 1848 written in the form of letters to the journal L'Eclaireur du Centre. Philippe Faure was a socialist journalist and close friend of Pierre Leroux and a moderate supporter of the revolution. It was annotated by his other friend Auguste Desmoulins (1823-1891), son-in-law of Pierre Leroux. After the revolution he took refuge in Jersey where he kept close contact with a.o. Victor Hugo and died at an early age. *Maitron II, p.172-173 (Faure) and II, p.75-76 (Desmoulins). FAYOL, Henri (1841-1925) Administration industrielle et générale. Prévoyance, organisation, commandement, coordination, controle. Extrait du Bulletin de la Société de l'industrie minérale (3e livraison de 1916). Paris, H.Dunod et E.Pinat 1917. 174p. With 2 coloured tables (1 folding). Orig. printed wrappers. (#40499) € 750
FEUERBACH, Ludwig (1804-1872) Ueber Philosophie und Christenthum, in Beziehung auf den der Hegel'schen Philosophie gemachten Vorwurf der Unchristlichkeit. Mannheim, Gedruckt in der Hoff & Heufer'schen Buchdruckerei 1839. XVI,86p. Contemp. half cloth. Yellowed, name on front free endpaper. (#28943) € 300
Formosa. Report on the control of the aborigines in Formosa. [At head:] Government of Formosa. Taihoku, Formosa, Bureau of Aboriginal Affairs 1911. [IV],IV,45 p. text including 4 tables, 100 photographic plates, a double-page coloured ethnological map, 2 large folding coloured maps of North and South Formosa and 3 coloured diagrams. Orig. embossed green cloth. Cancelled library stamp on title verso, red Japanese stamp on p.I. (#21435) € 500
GEULINCX, Arnold (1624-1669) Gnothi seauton [in Greek type], sive ethica, post tristia auctoris fata omnibus suis partibus in lucem edita, & tam seculi hujus, quam Atheorum quorundam philosophorum impietati, scelestisque moribus, quanquam specioso ut plurimum virtutis praetextu larvatis, opposita, per Philarethum. Cui accessit clariss. Cornelii Bontekoe eruditissimus & utilissimus libellus de Passionibus animae, cum gemina serie rerum, quae utrobique tractantur, per Joh. Flenderum ... Editio ultima, ab eodem à mendis amplius centum accuratissimè emendata. [Second part with own title page without imprint:] Cornelii BONTEKOE, Tractatus ethico-physicus de animi & corporis passionibus ... Amstelodami [Amsterdam], Janssonio-Waesbergios 1709. 2 parts in 1 volume. 12mo. [XXXII],437,[1 blank], [VIII],110,[9]p. With engraved frontispiece. Contemp. overlapping vellum. Frontispiece with folds, repair to outer margin and faint offsetting from red lacquer to front free endpaper, tiny repair to printed title. (#32746) € 1500
First (only) edition. The long title does not fully reflects the contents of this work. It includes tables for exchange rates (‘Vergelyking der wissel-courssen') between Amsterdam and the various commercial cities of Europe (p.1-300), preceded by an instruction for the use of these tables (‘Instructie van ‘t gebruik der tafelen') (p.XVII-XXXIV). Then follows ‘Konstige machinen of rekenkundige werktuigen, in de wissel-handel' (p.301-319). The following part is ‘Bericht van de munten en wissel-handel, in de voornaamste koopsteden van Europa' (23p.), followed by ‘Uitvoerig bericht, van al het geene, dat by deze universaal-regels voornamentlyk moet in acht genomen worden, waar op de basis of de grondslag van dit geheele werk rust' (120p.), followed by an index to the complete work. The author was one of the greatest monetary theorist of his time in Germany, credited with the successful reform of the monetary system in Brunswick and Prussia. He published an important treatise on the currency system and the circulation of money, in fact a theoretical plan for devaluation, in 1749 (Abdruck von einem Schreiben, die Deutsche und anderer Völcker Münz-Verfassung betreffend). At the time of publication of the present work Graumann lived in Amsterdam, working for the main Amsterdam merchant houses. A French translation of this (Le guide du negocint) appeared 1740, a German translation (Licht des Kaufmans) 1754. *Kress 4337. Bierens de Haan 1796 (erroneously dating it 1749). EHB 383. Not in Goldsmiths'. [GRAUMANN, Johann Philipp (1690-1762)] Vernünftige Vertheidigung des Schreibens die teutsche und anderer Völker Münz-Verfassung betreffend, der so genanten gründlichen Prüfung desselben entgegen gesetzet. Nebst einem Anhange, worin die in der Erfahrung gegründete Ursachen von dem Steigen und Fallen des Gold- und Silber-Preises, und dem darauf sich gründenden Steigen und Fallen des Wechsel-Courses abgehandelt werden. Berlin, Christian Friderich Voss 1752. 4to. [VIII],63,[1]p. Contemp. cream boards, back with ms. title. Stamp on verso of title ('ex bibliotheca fideicomm. Ernestii Aug'), old ms. library entries on first paste-down and free endpaper. An attractive copy. (#28970) € 450
GUARNIERI, Paolo Emilio. Dell'impiegar la gente dissertazione. In Verona, per gli eredi di Marco Moroni 1784. XXIII,[1 blank],122,[2 errata]p. With an engraved title-page with medallion with the portraits of the author and the dedicatee within a decorate border, by Gergli (del) and Dion Valesi (inc). Uncut in contemp. limp boards, back worn. Modern bookplae to front paste-down. A very fresh copy. (#38946) € 1450
Presentation copy for Walter Eucken HAYEK, Friedrich August von (1899-1992) Individualism and economic order. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1948]. VII,[1],271,[1]p. Orig. blue cloth, back lettered gilt. Presentation copy inscribed on the half-title ‘Professor W. Eucken/ mit den freundlichsten Grüssen/ F.A.Hayek' (#24069) € 3500
First edition, the only part published. The phenomenology of spirit (or The phenomenology of mind) is Hegel's first major philosophical and most widely discussed work. It exercised an influence on modern philosophy that can hardly be overestimated. 'It is the principle here that it is not essential that the
people are in large numbers, but that it is of capital importance that they are happy‘
First edition. Very rare since most copies were seized and destroyed by the police, with only two copies located in WorldCat. The most famous utopia of the Napoleontic era. It is however not only an imaginary voyage but also a political attack against France (‘Narcef'), the French (‘Inarçafs') and Napoleon (‘Ponelano'). It is written in the form of a dialogue between an inhabitant of an unidentified country named Ruvarebohni (an anagram of ‘Vrai bonheur') and a foreign visitor. It contains numerous ideas that foreshadowed those of the utopian socialists of the following decades. The second work, Bugnet's Catéchisme, occupies the second half of the second volume and has an own title-page and pagination. The publisher's name appears only on the verso of the title of the first work. The second work has the publisher's name on title, it had been published separately already in 1808. The next year Bugnet finished the whole work after the manuscripts left by his close friend Jaunez-Sponville. A new edition appeared 1881 edited by Carle de Rash (pseud. for Charles Read) ‘d'après un exemplaire échappé au pilon de la Haute Police Impériale'. The absence of the two leaves (p.7-10) from the second work is correct and explained in the errata. *INED 2353. Maitron II,p.375. WorldCat locates copies in the BnF and BL only. KEIJZER, Salomo (1823-1868) Onze tijd in Indië. Beschreven in bundels. [Subtitle:] De bedevaart naar Mekka. ‘S Gravenhage, H.C.Susan 1860. Large 8vo (28 x 19 cm). VI,[2],9-191,[1]p. With 6 coloured lithographed plates by C.W.Mieling. Orig. embossed cloth. (#13068) € 900
'Rarely does a single volume combine in itself so much
economic interest and so many bibliographical puzzles' Law, John. - [GREAT MIRROR OF FOLLY] Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid, vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der actie, bubbel en windnegotie, in Vrankryk, Engeland, en de Nederlanden, gepleegt in den jaare MDCCXX ... Gedrukt tot waarschouwinge voor de nakomelingen, in 't noodlottige jaar, voor veel zotte en wyze 1720. [Amsterdam 1720.] Folio. Title (in first state) and 5 text-parts: [II]; 25,[1]; 52; 26,29-31 (thus complete); [8]; 10p. With 75 partly folding and/or double-page plates. Contemp. half calf, gilt back with red label, spine ends and corners neatly restored, boards rubbed. Some light foxing mostly to blank margins only. A very good copy. (#15846) € 5500
LEPORIZZI, Galliano. Metodo pratico per ragguagliare i cambj di tutte le piazze d'Europa all' uso degli scrittorj dei banchieri, o sieno negozianti di cambj. Edizione seconda. Venezia, apppresso Gio: Battista Novelli 1766. Folio (34 x 22 cm). [VIII],244p. Contemp. vellum, rubbed and little worn, back renewed, red sprinkled edges. (#24379) € 750 Second edition. A manual for the calculation of exchange rates between all major European cities. Written
First (only) edition. An exhaustive description of Silesian commerce, including chapters on its geography, government, natural resources, mining, the trade in flax, yarn, canvas, wool, leather, salt, tobacco, etc., its weights and measures, currency exchange, trade fairs, customs, traffic, etc. *Kress S.2669. Humpert 329.
First (only) edition. A project for the establishment of institutions for the education of children and adults for technical and commercial professions. A rare volume by this prolific author of works on commerce and trade. ‘In it, he sketched out his "well-intended suggestions" for opening a merchant academy, a commercial college (also referred to as a Mercantilische Informations-Collegium) and a variety of mechanical work schools in Saxony. His suggestions hinged upon a diagnosis of the problems currently besetting the existing educational establishment, which Marperger insisted were many. Opportunities to learn about Commercia, or commercial wares and things, did not exist at universities. Throughout Saxony, merchants, mechanics and handworkers were treated as foreigners, their expertise unappreciated, not to mention the fact that they tended to know very little about the commercial theories underlying the professions they practised ... The Trifolium contained a kind of early blueprint for elaborated training programmes for young miners, mechanics, engineers or other "artisanal experts"' (Kelly J. Whitmer, Projects and pedagogical expectations: Inside P. J. Marperger's ‘golden clover leaf' (Trifolium), 1700–1730). *Kress S.3093. Humpert 5245. There were reprints of this in 1990 and 1997. MARX, Karl (1818-1883) Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Oekonomie. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Engels. Hamburg, Otto Meissners Verlag 1903-1904. 3 volumes in 4. Orig. half calf, backs richly gilt, marbled sides, orange endpapers, marbled edges. Bookplate to front paste-downs, old signature in lower outer corner and a very small number in upper corner of front of free endpapers. An attractive set. (#30988) € 750
MARX, Karl (1818-1883) Kapitaal en arbeid. Bewerkt door F.Domela Nieuwenhuis. ‘s Hage, gedrukt bij Liebers & Co [upper wrapper: Gravenhage, Liebers & Co., 1881]. VIII,87p. Orig. red printed boards, damaged at back and loosening. (#17890) € 750
MARX, Karl (1818-1883) Salaires, prix, profits. Traduction par Charles Longuet. Paris, V.Giard & E.Brière 1899. Small 8vo. 104p. Orig. printed yellow wrappers, somewhat stained, back damaged. Signature in corner of first text page. (#24910) € 125
First Russian edition, second issue (?). This Russian translation was the first into any language. A French edition (Critique de l'économie politique) was published in 1899, an English translation followed not before 1904. It was Marx's first attempt at a draft for a comprehensive theory of the capitalist economy, and he himself described Das Kapital of 1867 as a continuation of it. It was edited with a preface by Alexander Appolonovich Manuilov (1861-1929), a Russian economist and politician, one of the founding members of the Constitutional Democratic Party and rector of Moscow State University between 1908 and 1911. He was appointed minister of education in the First Provisional Government and after the Bolshevik revolution a director of the Russian State Bank (Gosbank). There are two issues of this, both have Vladimira Bonch-Bruevicha as publisher at head of the title, both are dated 1896 and have the same collation. The present issue has Lissnera and Romana, another issue has V.S.Traugot as printer at the bottom of the title. The present issue has on the verso of the title a notice from the censor dated 13 April 1896, in the Traugot issue it is dated 20 December 1895. WorldCat records quite a number of copies of the present, but only two of the Traugot issue (UB Freiburg and SB Berlin). *Rubel 529.
First edition. Mill's magnum opus, the last great synthesis of classical political economy. Though it has been stated that it has not added much new to economic analysis it yet remained the major text book on economics for decades and has exercised profound influence on modern English and foreign economic theory. *Kress C.7500. Einaudi 3907. MacMinn p.69.
First Dutch edition. Despite its misty title page this is virtually a translation of Mill's seminal Principles of political economy. The translator Jacques Oppenheim (1849-1924) was at the time secretary of the city of Groningen and in 1885 became professor of law at the University of Groningen. He was an authority in the field of administrative law and became also known for his many merits for the Jewish community. This seems to be his only contribution to economics. *BWN I,p.434. Butter p.151,18.
A fine, complete set of a detailed military history of the Japanese conquest of the Dutch East Indies in 1941-42. 1. Voorspel. Invloed van de oorlog 1914-1918 op sterkte, samenstelling en bewapening van het Koninklijk Nederlands-Indische Leger in de periode 1918-1940. 2. Nederlands-Indië na de overweldiging van Nederland tot het uitbreken van de oorlog met Japan. 3. Overzicht van de na het uitbreken van de oorlog met Japan in de Z.W. Pacific gevoerde strijd. 4. De verrichtingen van de militaire luchtvaart bij de strijd tegen de Japanners in en om de Nederlands-Indische archipel, in samenwerking met de bondgenootschappelijke luchtstrijdkrachten. 5. De strijd op Borneo en op Celebes. 6. De strijd op Ambon, Timor en Sumatra. 7. De strijd op Java.
First edition. An important treatise on the commerce, trade and population of the French, English and Spanish colonies in America, Africa, Asia ans Australia. The author proposes a reorganization of the colonies and to develop its agricultural colonies in Africa, which would reduce the slave trade. Trafficking cannot compensate for the decrease in population in the Antilles, where black mortality is very high. It would be more logical to use blacks in their own country, therefore to establish colonies in Africa, than to transplant them at such great cost. The second volume is entirely devoted to Saint Domingo, where the author was appointed commissioner of the colony in 1791. It is lacking in many sets. *INED 3442. Kress B.4429 (first volume only). Sabin 58158 (first volume only). Martin & Walter 26281. Birth control!
First edition. An important contribution to population theory, with outspoken advocacy of birth control. It was provoked by William Godwin's second reply to Malthus. ‘More sanguine than Malthus about the reform of institutions, he rejected Godwin's inconsistency and naivité. His defence of Malthusian principles and methods testifies to his own faith in individual effort and to the improvements in civilization he witnessed in his lifetime.' ‘Place lays great stress on the misery, poverty, and crime which so frequently result from large families; and insists that it should be clearly pointed out to the poor that the market can be overstocked with labour; that this caused the low rate of wages; that misery and poverty follow indiscretion; and that by voluntary restriction of families, the supply of labour might be brought rather under the demand.' This is the author's only contribution to economic literature. Place was a radical reformer, friends with James Mill and Jeremy Bentham. He drafted the People's Charter in 1838, though he took no part in the later more extreme phase of Chartism, and greatly contributed to the legalization of trade unions. *Kress C.943. Goldsmiths' 23493. Einaudi 4458. Not in Mattioli. Palgrave III,p.112. New Palgrave III, p.879. A major contribution to the theory of
First edition. Poisson's Research on the probability of judgments in criminal and civil matters is his major contribution to the theory of probability. Poisson was the principal successor to Laplace and he largely followed the latter's position. He is now best remembered for his emphasis to the 'law of large numbers', now called Poisson distribution. *Stigler p.182-194. Publicole françois. Le publicole françois, ou memoire sur les moyens d'augmenter la richesse du prince par l'aisance des peuples. A Paris, chez Morin au palais royal 1776. 12mo. [II],272,[2]p. With an engraved title. Contemp. calf, back richly gilt, red edges, marbled endpapers. Fine copy. (#37759) € 1250
[ROORDA VAN EYSINGA, Sicco (1825-1887)] Uit het leven van Koning Gorilla. [The Hague, B.Liebers 1887.] 16p. including front cover with woodcut illustration of a crowned gorilla. Front cover detached and margins frayed. Bookplate to verso of front cover. Printed on poor paper as always. (#29221) € 150
First edition. ‘A new book from the brilliant pen of Bertrand Russell is a literary event, and Power is likely to be acclaimed as the most important work he has produced for some years. His purpose here is to prove that the fundamental concept in social science is Power, in the same sense in which Energy is the fundamental concept in physics.' SCHLETTWEIN, Johann August (1731-1802) Les moyens d'arreter la misere publique et d'acquitter les dettes des etats. Carolsrouhe [Paris], Michel Macklot 1772. Small 8vo. 96p. With engraved allegorical vignette on pages 3 and 5, and tail piece on page 6. Uncut in contemp. decorated boards. First leaves a bit yellowed, stain in margin of 2 or 3 leaves. An old hand added his(?) name to the first paste down, and used the margins of the title, verso and page 3 to repeat the author's name and the title etc. Still an unsophisticated good copy. (#23523) € 950
First (only) edition. A speech delivered for the members of the Berlin Laborer Association on New Year's Day 1848. New Year's Eve he had a vision about the future of the Association and humanity. Through education, clarity and decisiveness of mind and energy of the working class society would make progress, but beware of the ‘sickness of modern times', the unrestricted freedom of trade. *Stamhammer, Socialismus I,p.230. This was reprinted in 2022 by Walter de Gruyter. SMITH, Adam (1723-1790) Theorie der sittlichen Gefühle. Uebersetzt, vorgeredet, und hin und wieder kommentirt von Ludwig Theobul Kosegarten. [And:] Zweyter Band, welcher die Zusäzze zur sechsten Ausgabe enthält. Leipzig, in der Gräffschen Buchhandlung 1791-95. 2 volumes in 1. [XXXII],463,[1 advert.], VIII,248,[1 errata]p. Contemp. boards, red edges, rubbed, corners and edges worn, back with part of covering paper gone. From the library of the German classicist Friedrich August Menke, with his name on front free endpaper. (#31736) € 2250
First edition. A feminist classic, the most significant work on the subject between the publication of Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication of the rights of women (1792) and John Stuart Mill's Subjection of women. It was a reply to an Article on government in the Encyclopaedia Britannica by James Mill in which he denied all political rights of women. Mill had stated that ‘all those individuals whose interests are indisputably included in those of other individuals may be struck off from political rights without inconvenience ... in this light also women may be regarded, the interest of almost all of whom is involved either in that of their fathers, or in that of their husbands' (quoted on the title page). It was written in cooperation with Thompson's intimate friend Anna Wheeler (c.1780-1848), an Irish born feminist and socialist, who was befriended with a.o. Robert Owen, Jeremy Bentham and Frances Wright, and during her stay in France had met with a.o. Flora Tristan, Henri Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier, and had translated several of their works. The book starts with an ‘Introductory letter to Mrs. Wheeler' which begins with the ‘Object of [this] letter: to acknowledge to whom the sentiments of the succeeding pages belong'. The book ends with a ‘Concluding address to women' which begins with an appeal ‘Women of England! Women, in whatever country ye breathe, degraded - awake!' Bookplate of the Australian journalist W.P.Hurst (1873-1955). *Goldsmiths' 24707. TINBERGEN, Jan (1903-1994) Vérification statistique des théories économiques. Genève, Société des Nations, Service d'études économique 1939 2 volumes. 178; 267p. With folding table and folding appendix. Orig. printed wrappers. Vague stamp (‘Service de presse') on front cover of second volume. (#19689) € 375
A classic of international law that greatly influenced the
thinking of the framers of the American constitution VATTEL, Emer (Emmerich) de (1714-1767) Le droit des gens, ou principes de la loi naturelle, appliqués à la conduite & aux affaires des nations & des souverains. A Londres [but Neuchâtel] 1758. 2 volumes in 1. 4to. XXVI,[26 table of contents],541; [IV],[16 table of contents],375,[1 errata]p. Contemp. calf, back richly gilt with orange label, red edges, foot (ca.15 mm) of back with stabilized defect. A fresh copy. (#30363) € 2000
WALRAS, Léon (1834-1910) Les associations populaires de consommation, de production et de crédit. Leçons publiques faites a Paris en janvier et février 1865. Paris, Dentu 1865. Small 8vo. XXIII,[1],222,[3]p. Uncut in orig. printed wrappers. Faint brown stain in outer margins of a few preliminary pages and faint damp stain in outer margins of last pages. A fine copy. (#31184) € 3000
The foundation of the modern theory of general economic
First edition, rare particularly with the second part published in 1877. Walras' most important book in which he exposed the general equilibrium theory. The first part deals with the theory of exchange, the second with the theory of production. ‘Jevons' Theory of political economy (1871) was not well received when it appeared, but it was read. Menger's Principles of economics (1871) was both read and well received, at least in his own country. But Walras' two-part Elements of pure economics (1844-77) was monstrously neglected everywhere despite his infatigable efforts to get the book noticed. That was in part because Walras set himself a task that went beyond Jevons and Menger, his co-discoverers of marginal utility theory, namely, to write down and solve the first multi-equational model of general equilibrium in all markets. In addition, Walras went far beyond Jevons in employing a mathematical model of exposition, and this was enough to scare off most of his contemporary readers. But wheras Jevons and Menger are now regarded as historical landmarks, rarely read purely for their own sake, posthumous appreciation of Walras's monumental achievement has grown so markedly since the 1930s that he may now be the most widely-raed nineteenth-century economist after Ricardo and Marx.' A second edition revised and enlarged edition appeared 1889. *Einaudi 5965. Mattioli 3796. M.Blaug, Great economists before Keynes, p.262.
First edition, first printing. The second volume of Wittgenstein's posthumously published works, compiled from extensive manuscripts on the philosophy of mathematics, written between 1937 and 1944. A bilingual edition with the original German text on the versos and the English translation on the rectos. |
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